My favorite pieces of home gym equipment

There are a few pieces of gym equipment that I use almost every day in the Black Dog gym.  Here they are from the least to the most expensive. My favorite pieces of gym equipment in the gym PVC Pipe – a 5-foot-long piece of ¾” PVC is a great tool for mobility work,...
How to Choose a Punching Bag

How to Choose a Punching Bag

Buying a punching bag is an investment and commitment.  Now you are going to have this human sized thing hanging around your house reminding you to exercise.  But punching bags are the one of the few things that you can punch as hard as you possibly can and nobody...
Surviving the Dark Ages, yet again

Surviving the Dark Ages, yet again

When I was in school, we called the time between Christmas and Spring Break “The Dark Ages.”  And it is dark.  The sun is gone.  It’s cold.   Everyone just kind of hunkers down and waits for spring.  Hibernation starts to make a lot of...