What Would You Do If You Knew?

What Would You Do If You Knew?

The suicide of Robin Williams and Chris Cornell of Soundgarden and Audioslave, were terrible and tragic. Every suicide is.   I have heard the typical responses. “He had everything.  Why was he depressed?”“Man, I do not understand that.”“Kind of selfish, if you...
What is Your Health Worth?

What is Your Health Worth?

Fitness programs and facilities vary in price… tremendously. The average gym membership cost is just under $60 per month – $720 per year.Planet Fitness charges as low as $10 per month – $120 per yearEXOS in Phoenix charges $2,500 per month – $30,000...
Three Things…

Three Things…

3. Thank you2. Gratitude and Depression1. FAI A few days ago I passed the (overly difficult) test and became a Certified Functional Aging Specialist through the Functional Aging Institute (FAI).  I know.  I make fun of some of these specialist and...